I’ve been concerned that Apple would give the new flagship iPhone a taller and narrower aspect ratio. As I’ve written before, narrow screens make viewing the internet terrible when holding your device in portrait mode.
Since phones need to fit into your pocket they’ll probably never get to a 4:3 aspect ratio. That’s OK. But backtracking from where we are now with a 16:9 ratio to an even taller and narrower screen would be a big mistake.
Even if Apple does end up going with a narrower aspect ratio, all is not lost. It's only a temporary setback until screens become foldable. At that point, all of a sudden everyone will rediscover the wonders of width.
My iPhone 7 Plus is too tall, not too wide. I'd still prefer that the width of the 7 Plus not be reduced at all. That is really the best part of the 7 Plus.
Phandroid.com - The Galaxy S8's Worst Feature Is It's Screen
The Web Is Better on Wider iPhones