Writing for Bloomberg Opinion, Shira Ovide wrote a column stating the oft-repeated theory that the importance of hardware will decrease as the importance of imbedded tech everywhere deprecates it’s status.
Lovers of Apple’s MacBook Pro seem to have taken heart lately due to Apple’s display of shock and awe at this years WWDC. The amount of engineering and design hours that went into the impressive Mac Pro must’ve been huge.
Yes, They Matter So at last weeks WWDC keynote address, Craig Federighi took a humorous shot at YouTubers who make those crazy phone speed test comparisons. It was something along the lines of “Nobody uses their phone that way, but yeah, I guess we’ll win one of those”.
CNET launched a bombshell article this week by Corinne Reichert citing data from a study that says iPhone loyalty is on the way down. But, she only reports half the story. Here is the crux of what she said.
Long-Press Sucks Ok, so I’ve heard the rumors that Apple was going to stop offering 3D Touch completely in future iPhones. I won’t like it, but so be it. However, I figured I could continue to smugly use 3D Touch on my own iPhone XS indefinitely.
Writers Should Advocate for the Consumer, Not App Developers One of the things that has always bothered me about many of the writers dedicated to covering all things Apple is their incestuous relationship with app developers. The big problem is that the interests of the developer is often at odds with the interest of the consumer. The developer wants to make more money, but the consumer wants more for his money. Who does the journalist speak for? It should be the consumer.
Robert PerezManufacturing and distribution analysis since 1993. Perezonomics is available in Apple News
October 2024