So what drives such a huge supply of videos on every subject imaginable? Self-Interest. All the YouTube creators are trying to make videos that will stand out from the crowd. So if there are already videos on doing brake pads for Honda Accords or BMW 3-Series cars, they look for a niche that hasn’t been covered yet. Are there no Hyundai videos yet? Great! Let’s do some Hyundai videos!
Everyone is motivated to serve their fellow man by self-interest. And the higher quality work you do, the more views you get. It’s a beautiful system that illustrates how capitalism as a whole is supposed to work.
The opposite of capitalism is state-mandated communism. In the communist model, the government could realize that there should be a database of instructional videos for the good of the people. So maybe they enact a law that says everyone needs to contribute one video per year to the database in order to use it. The videos would probably be low quality and they would be the bare minimum to meet the requirements. People would not be motivated by self-interest but by government compulsion. Big difference.
Capitalism is all about serving your fellow man and money is the measure of how much service you’ve rendered. It’s a beautiful system that doesn’t deserve most of the arrows shot at it by critics. Here is a video which I try to post once per year on my blog by one of my all time favorite intellectuals, the late Walter Williams.