When the first shots from Sports Illustrated were released last month showing what a professional photographer could do with an iPhone 7 Plus, all I could do was laugh. I thought, finally, here was Apple’s response. I wonder how long the PR team at Apple stewed about that “Shot on iPhone 6” meme, planning their revenge?
Anyway, it was a thoroughly effective response. The press was wowed by how great all those game pictures looked, and it stoked my interest in the iPhone 7 Plus more than anything else I’d seen. But I’m not sure very many people made the connection from the SI spread back to the blurry Super Bowl pic. I don’t think I heard a single reference back to that pic from February.
It is kind of emblematic of how Apple sometimes operates. After the blurry picture came out, everyone wondered if or how Apple would respond. Tim and his PR team have been working in private for seven months on the perfect response. It was good, I’ll give them that. But it was so delayed that it lost some of its punch.
Still, revenge is nice when you’re the CEO of a company with untold resources at your fingertips. And Apple kept it classy. There were no self-deprecating slams making the iPhone look even worse or Tim look like a buffoon. And no digs were taken at those who poked fun at the picture. Just the clear message of “Okay, you want to talk about the iPhone’s NFL game picture chops? Bam! How about these pics? Let’s see THESE go viral shall we?”