Normally, my wife and I would rather just purchase a TV series on iTunes specifically so that we don’t have to watch or fast forward through commercials. But if more manufacturers did something like this little feature, commercials wouldn’t be so bad.
Another reason that I liked it was because it wasn’t interrupting something else that I was watching. No matter how good an advertisement is, the very fact that it is standing in the way of something else that you’re trying to watch is irritating. That’s what is so horrible about YouTube commercials. Some of those advertisements may actually be pretty good, but if I made a selection to watch a video, the commercial becomes an impediment which annoys me because I have to wait for the video I picked. It’s kind of like your alarm clock. No matter what sound you use, you’re going to grow to hate it.
Whatever this short movie is considered, I hope advertising moves more in this direction. Make your product a part of an enjoyable little story with a plot and don’t interrupt my other entertainment.
Now available in iBooks à The Tesla Bubble