I’d say that you could split the professional market into at least two major groups. Media and business professionals. Everyone in tech kind of understands what the media professionals do because those are their people. But they don’t really understand how the rest of the business world operates. Those of us in the Fortune 500 who make industrial or medical products as opposed to media use computers quite differently. We basically only need communications, Microsoft Office, and some sort of window into the company ERP system. That’s it. Many companies don’t even allow the use of USB sticks or SD cards. They are strictly forbidden. I’d say that the use of local hard drives isn’t too far away from getting banned as well.
So what do I think about the new iPad Pro? It’s a home run. More screen in a lighter body coupled with a greatly improved Apple Pencil is music to my ears. In fact, the Apple Pencil alone would have been enough to get me to upgrade. I use my Apple Pencil every day at work and my biggest gripe is the hassle of charging it. The iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil is the true notebook computer that you can carry with you as you roam the halls of your office.
The iPad Pro is aimed at my crowd of business professionals, not Nilay’s crowd of media professionals. And as I’ve been saying for at least two years, the tech media is the last group to understand what business professionals need from a “computer”.