The comments from AMC CEO Adam Aron have officially turned me anti-theater.
I don’t like going to the movie theaters for a myriad of reasons. I hate waiting in lines, sitting in noisy crowds, and having my feet stick to the floor. But that alone wouldn’t turn me into an anti-theater activist.
I’m starting to realize that movie theaters are protecting a monopoly on first-run movies and are targeting studios that get out of line. These are not freedom loving capitalist businesses that are trying to ensure their future security by offering a better product. These are Stalinist tactics meant to protect an obsolete business that most people don’t want any more.
Movie theaters are a relic of a time gone by. A time when most people didn’t own a television. They’ve survived this long by their anti-capitalist monopoly hold on movie content. I say, no more. Let them live or die on their own merit and compete alongside all channels of distribution.
By far, the largest group of movie theater enthusiasts are 16-24 years old. As a result, this group has an outsized influence on the kind of movies that are created. Do we really want to keep watching movies that target a 16 year old’s sense of humor?
Theaters are actively infringing on how I like to get my entertainment, online streaming. That crosses the line. I say, offer movie content to both theaters and online streamers simultaneously and let the market decide. Because enforcing a theater-first policy is bad for everyone, except movie theaters.