At this point, everyone is thinking “Who would want to watch video on their tiny little Apple Watch screen?”. Oh but you’d be surprised how good it is. A lot of what is on YouTube is just somebody talking into the camera. Those videos are perfect for the watch because you can see the person just fine and listen to the video podcast as you go about your day.
One of the great things about running is that it gives you time to consume media that you might otherwise be too busy to watch. So I’ll often start a long YouTube video when I head out for a run and listen via my AirPods. Or short videos I’ll watch in the bathroom if I don’t have my iPhone on me. Yeah, TMI.
But all is not entirely well in the world of WatchTube. The developer has been having server problems which he says are beyond his control. As a result, service is getting interrupted for the app users at times. It’s a great app. It’s a shame that it can’t be a better app experience with high uptime.
Which brings me to my point. People like video on their wrist. It’s time that YouTube and/or Apple takes notice and addresses this growing market. There needs to be better support for video app developers or better apps.