For years, John McCain had used the platforms of ABC, NBC, and CBS to get free press coverage. His recipe was simple: let the networks know that he was interested in criticizing the GOP leadership, and the invitations for interviews would come flowing in. McCain used the networks to grow his fundraising and political base.
And it worked until he won the GOP presidential nomination. After he was the nominee, the networks started to systematically dismantle John McCain. The formerly glowing non-critical coverage turned overnight into nonstop negative press. The network reporters turned into rabid hyenas with John McCain as their fresh meat. McCain was stunned.
As Rush Limbaugh explained, if you allow others to build you up, you also give them the power to tear you down. Rush avoided that pitfall by building his audience without the help of the traditional “mainstream media.” He started his own company, his own show, and he built his own audience from scratch. The networks didn’t make Rush, and hard as they might try, the networks couldn’t destroy him either.
This same lesson applies to social media today. Too many Republicans and conservatives want to use Twitter and Facebook to build their audience. Then they complain when these same entities start to dismantle everything that they worked for. They were warned over a decade ago by Rush that this would happen.
You can’t use the free resources and audience that Twitter or Facebook afford without giving up your autonomy. Just like the lender is slave to the borrower, the influencer becomes the slave to the platform.
Yet taking what these social platforms offer for free and asking the government to give you freedom is un-American. Twitter and Facebook are run by liberal zealots, and they find conservative viewpoints repugnant. If they feel morally obligated to spike these ideas, let them. It’s their platform.
It’s time for conservatives and anyone else afraid of a monopoly on social media to cut and run. Will it be painful for those who have built a following? Yes. But what good is having a following if your liberal overlords prevent you from speaking your point of view?
Liberals don’t want debate, they want indoctrination. When they sense that they have a losing argument, they seek to shut down the rebuttal. If there is going to be any kind of spirited debate in today’s tech world, it’s going to have to come from a new platform. And Twitter is giving some newcomer the opportunity of a lifetime by going overboard with partisan censorship.
There will still need to be moderation and censorship. No one, conservative or liberal, wants to hear from child molesters and people advocating for armed revolt. What we want is an honest debate. One that you can’t get on Twitter or Facebook anymore.