This so perfectly sums up the problem that we’ll have with AI for a long, long time. The inability to interpret things that even a child would understand. It’s not all for naught though. In the movie, Arthur’s company becomes desirable, a commodity which the isolated inhabitants on the ship fight over. His ability to respond with just the right words 80% of the time was enough to assuage their loneliness and keep up the mirage of relationship. Arthur sure beats Tom Hank’s “Wilson” from the movie Castaway.
But is 80% enough to rely on? I don’t think so. It’s fine for frivolous diversions, but in any scenario that entails real work getting done, people won’t be so patient.
In any case, Passengers is a great movie. I love sci-fi and my wife loves romances. It was nice to have a movie that was both of our first choice and didn’t involve the typical runaway alien monster trying to eat everyone.