If I was too busy to read anything on my own and only had time for one single podcast to listen to in my car while driving somewhere this would be the one. These guys aren’t going to be the most entertaining podcasters you’ve ever heard but you’re going to get a clear concise overview of the latest news. But it’s the level-headed commentary that is their secret sauce. They try to fill in for the listeners why or why not something may be feasible from a logical business stance. Too many Apple pundits speak about Apple as if it should behave more like a non-profit charity. They don’t understand why Apple doesn’t give everyone 256gb devices and unlimited iCloud storage.
I’ve often said that if you want predict what Apple is going to do in the future that you should try and look at their business like a financial analyst. “War game” their different options to see which offers the most opportunity. Almost always, Apple chooses the most profitable option. The AppleInsider Podcast is one of the few that approaches rumor evaluation with this philosophy in mind.
I have never spoken with any of the guys from AppleInsider and have no idea who they are or what they do for a living. But every now and then when I’m listening to a podcast I like it so much I feel compelled to write a quick recommendation for others who might enjoy it too. If that may be you check them out at:
SOUNDCLOUD - The AppleInsider Podcast
iTunes - The AppleInsider Podcast