Mac fans were only defending a product choice. If they disagreed with you, they said that you were overlooking Apple advantages. They weren’t necessarily making judgements about you as a person. The debate was mostly about the pros and cons of Apple vs PC.
Tesla fans have made this about saving the Earth. If you disagree with Elon Musk or buy a BMW instead then you are a terrible person who deserves to go to hell. They’ve become dogmatic to a degree way beyond the fans of any other company. The only group that I can think of that surpasses them is Al Qaeda.
The funny thing about this whole situation is that according to Michael Moore, no oil company mouthpiece, Tesla isn’t doing anything to help save the Earth. The latest project he’s involved with unmasks the EV industry as opportunistic capitalists preying upon people’s willingness to help the earth to get them to open their wallets. Planet of the Humans hasn’t been released yet but it’s going to be devastating to proponents of electric cars.
If Tesla fandom was a religion, then Michael Moore just came out and said that there is no god.