Consumer Reports came out with their latest quality rankings last week, and yes, Tesla is still at the bottom. What is surprising is how bad Tesla ranked considering that Tesla fans have been known to to try and hide Tesla quality problems from the press. Tesla owners who complain about quality problems are promptly chastised not to do so by their fellow owners and to keep it between them and Tesla "for the good of the cause". If that doesn't sound like cult brainwashing I don't know what does.
Automotive journalist Tim Stevens has written glowing reviews of Tesla's cars in the past. So the angry Tesla fans can't say that this was a hit piece from a hater. In fact, this guy didn't want to report the truth. But Tesla's self-driving software is so bad, that he felt he had no choice. He was faced with the choice of either reporting the truth about Tesla's terrible software quality or flush his journalistic reputation down the toilet.
Here’s a reminder by CNN Money that Musk isn’t like the other self-made tech billionaires. He is in a class by himself. The welfare class. Both Tesla and SpaceX have been saved by the government on multiple occasions. The state of California has bent over backwards to help Tesla when they were down and Musk repaid them by moving the company out. The state of New York gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Tesla to help create hundreds of jobs at the Buffalo Gigafactory only to be let down.
Here’s how Elon Musk’s Wealth Has Benefitted From Taxpayer Help Here’s a company that churns out glitchy rattle traps that look like they were made in a Cold War soviet factory and yet Musk thinks that he built something great. What he’s built is the poster child of the bubble economy. Tesla and Musk are takers, not builders. They don’t really add any value to our economy unlike companies like Apple or Amazon. Tesla’s stock price is built on fantasy storylines written by their pumpers. And it is siphoning investment money from other companies that actually do add value to the economy. One concept that I’ve always found interesting is that if you took all the money away from the wealthy entrepreneur class and gave it away to the poor, within 10 years the money would’ve found its way back to the wealthy. Because they possess the skills and know how to rebuild what was taken. This story applies to Musk. The new version of this axiom, is that if you took all the money away from successful entrepreneurs and give it to grifters with big twitter followings that eventually, they’ll lose it all. Musk doesn’t really know how to run a business and within ten years all the wealth he has accumulated via his PT Barnum ways will find its way to others who know how to add value to the economy. |
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