Elon Musk is the most disliked CEO in America. Maybe the world. And this has nothing to do with most of the short sellers. Short sellers are by-and-large agnostic about Elon Musk. They simply are making a mathematical calculation that the company is over-valued. If they believed in Musk’s vision of the future. These short sellers would be just as happy going long on TSLA.
No, the worldwide disdain for Tesla and all things Elon goes deeper than stock market players. It is rooted in something different.
Religious Hypocrites Have Always Triggered Animosity
In the late 1500’s the Catholic Church had a saying attributed to Johan Tetzel, “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." This blatant money grab triggered anger in the masses. The father of the reformation was Martin Luther who objected to the use of God’s church in order to raise funds for capital projects. At the time, the Catholic Church was selling indulgences whereby the upper class could enjoy the pleasures of sin and purchase their forgiveness. But history is full of examples of evil men from all religions, not just Christianity, who have sought to use religion to fill their own wallets.
Elon Musk isn’t using Christianity but he is using a form of new world liberal religion to drive people to open their wallets where he benefits. Musk preaches a religion where sin is an act against mother Earth. Damaging the ozone layer via burning fossil fuels requires repentance. A great tribulation is coming where the seas will rise and mass starvation from climate change will result. But fear not, for Salvation is at hand! If you will only reach for your wallet and transfer thousands of dollars to Tesla you can be absolved of your sins. Johan Tetzel would be proud.
People wonder why Elon Musk is vilified unlike the CEOs of other major companies. It’s because the CEOs of General Motors or Ford aren’t attempting to make a religious case to buy their products. They don’t tell you that if you don’t buy a Chevy Bolt that you are damning your children’s future world to Hell. Elon Musk has crossed a line and he’s creating as many, if not more, critics than he is fans.
People openly hated and vilified various financial fraudsters such as Enron CEO Jeff Skilling or Bernie Madoff. No one likes crooks who fool investors or outright steal people’s money. People have also hated non-financial types who became unmasked cheaters like Lance Armstrong. But there seems to be a special type of white-hot hate that arises when mega-church pastors turn out to be phony hypocrites. Elon Musk seems to be headed for that rarified individual who encompasses all three aspects of everyone hates.
The Liberal left loves nothing more than when a Christian mega-church pastor is caught in a scandal. They will pounce on said victim quicker than a lion catching the whiff of raw meat. However, Elon Musk is one of their own. He is a mega-church pastor of their new age religion. And the scent of scandal is strong with this one.
The Prototypical Villain
Whenever a Christian mega-church pastor goes down, the congregation is the last to see the scandal coming and quick to defend the pastor. It’s no different with Musk and his “church” of Twitter followers.
But everyone outside of the church is left scratching their heads on how anyone could support someone so obviously corrupt. In Musk’s case, he could actually fill the role of a movie villain. If you could go back in time 20 years and describe Elon Musk to someone they would swear you were making it up. Surely, they’d say, no one in real life embodies all the qualities of every fictitious villain. But Musk does.
This is the guy who:
Harms the environment in the name of profits
At Tesla, getting products out the door trumps workplace safety
Alleged to physically assault an employee
Spread fake mass shooter threat about whistleblower Martin Tripp
Spreading lies about hero diver Vernon Unsworth being a pedophile
And the list regarding Musk being a horrible person goes on and on and on. If you remove all the suspected financial fraud at Tesla and simply look at this guy for who he is. There is a scary picture which is painted. And yet his flock is blind to it and everyone on the outside looking in can see it as plain as day.