When The Big 3 tried to fight off the Japanese with outlandish features like talking Chrysler LeBarons or monster V8 engines it didn’t work. The people still wanted good build quality and reliability over flashy features.
So now Tesla thinks that they can become a globally significant auto player by offering acceleration and flashy features? That’s their plan? Been there done that. It doesn’t work. As long as Teslas are known to have bumpers that fall of in the rain, touchscreens that stop working, or sub-standard paint it’s doomed to remain a small niche player. And when it comes to Tesla quality problems, I could go on and on. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the auto market.
Tesla has managed to demonstrate how the power of social media and non-stop propaganda from captive blogs can create sheeple who will accept low-quality products in exchange for virtue signaling. It’s 4th grade peer pressure to get a Mohawk haircut all over again.
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Wish/Hope to sell my Dec-‘17 Tesla Model X. Car was driven approximately 34.500 Kms of which 4.500 Kms are back and forth to the Tesla Service Center.
Car has every imaginable equipment available in 2017. Only driven by original owner and Tesla service staff.
Car is now slightly more than 2 years old, but has spent 22 weeks in service. Am a little uncertain if I can deduct those from the cars age.
The color is a thin layer of black metallic. According to the detailer, its surprising how little paint its actually possible to apply to a car while it still appears to be black.
The interior is black with black leather seats that are really comfortable.
There is a big center screen so slow to respond that it’ll make a Nokia 1610 feel like the newest and best thing available.
Also included are 20 inch rims with winter tires. The tires have good tread but the wheel bolts are slightly destroyed. But what can you expect after setting a new Norwegian record for amount of wheel alignments performed?
If you wish to own a car that never ceases to surprise you. And if you are above average in taking joy in wearing earmuffs when driving, this is definitely the car for you. You probably have to prepare for some kms driven to the service centers, but it’s easy to just wear the Peltors and turn up the music, then it’ll drive like a dream.
The car has a tendency to steer slightly to the right, but no more than you’ll have 4-5 seconds to react before driving off the road. So you’ll have plenty of time to adjust the direction.
The car accelerates like lightning, and is guaranteed to put a smile on your lips. The same can’t be said about the adaptive cruise control, which supplies ample entertainment when it decides to slam the brakes. This feature is very practical to the drivers behind you, as they have a chance to sharpen their senses a little.
There is really nothing like a 2.4 tons car slamming the brakes on an icy road with 10-12 cars driving behind you. I think they call it the safest car in the world?
If you are the type who finds it boring if everything just works, this car will be perfect for you. The doors live their own life. Some days they work, some they don’t, but you can enjoy that it’s always possible for the driver to enter the car from the passenger side.
The suspension has been replaced 3 times, so I believe its in perfect shape. Last replacement was in summer 2019. Had the car returned from service with a brake fluid leak. Not really sure if they fixed it. When I picked up the car I asked what they had done. They replied ‘changed the tires’. However they left a piece of paper taped to the dashboard that said ‘NB Brake Fluid Leakage’.
When the car was 3 months old, it was in service. One of the things that needed mending was a rattling sun screen in drivers side. Tesla fixed the rattling by taping the sun screen to the roof of the car. I am very respectful of creative thinking, so I have to acknowledge the ingenuity in solving problems.
So if you buy this car for the love of god also buy a pair of dark sunglasses, as the sunroof is gigantic and has nothing to offer in terms of shade.
During the entire life of the car, the climate control turns itself off at any moment. That’s impractical when trying to remove fog from the windows, which I told the service center (again). It was due for its Xmas SPA-treatment at the service center in December 2019.
When I picked up the car I was told, that they noticed the behavior. But its working ‘as designed’. So now I am aware of this.
The car also has a function called ‘navigate on autopilot’ which I believe should be named ‘most likely going to kill you’.I tried it a couple of times, but after the car drove directly through a roundabout, I have decided against using it any more.
The cars standard autopilot is basically really useful, and its supposed to make you as a driver relax a bit more during the drive. The only bad thing is that other motorists may mistake you for a home sick piss drunk 16 year old, as the car tries to leave the road on every single exit on your route. Other than that, the car has been in service to have adjusted or mended 56 different problems. Some of these they tried to fix several times.
At the moment I can’t show the car to a prospective buyer, as it’s in service. This time to correct 8 different errors, but another 4 appeared on the way to the service center. So I am a bit unsure of when it will be ready to show to a buyer.
Possibly you could swing by the Tesla Service Center in Skoyen to look for a Black Model X with big dents on both sides of the car. The dents appeared during a service where Tesla forgot to repair the car, but delivered it back with these damages. ‘It’s all in a days work’ as we say.
The car is being sold because I fear having a heart attack and elevated blood pressure.
PS you need to pay attention to how you book a service appointment using the Tesla app, as you are likely to do this much more frequently than you’d expect.
Please get in touch for a chat about cars, if you are interested.
There is still almost 3 years warranty left.